PT. JBM BIO ENERGY (JBE), was established under the laws of the Republic of Indonesia in the year 2018 as a one hundred percent (100%) foreign owned entity for the business of the domestic and export sales of Palm Kernel Shells (PKS) as a Biomass Fuel. J-Bridge Materials Co., Ltd. (Japan) owns the majority shares of PT. JBM BIO ENERGY (JBE). represented by Naomi Terao, Chief Executive Officer as Commissioner of PT. JBM BIO ENERGY (JBE).
Shiro Terao, Managing Director
Veteran Businessman with wide experience in Indonesia since the 1970s with
Timber, Coal, Construction and many others
Genshi Terao,Director
Bonita Mulyadi,Corporate Officer
Odi Setiawan, General Manager
Over a decade of experience in the Biomass Fuel, Palm Kernel Shells with
previous working experience with Sumitomo Corporations in Indonesia for
the procurement, operations and export of Palm Kernel Shells to Japan.
Itfa Yulvia, Field Administration Manager
A career Project Administrator with domestic Engineering Consultant companies
in Padang, Indonesia.
· To establish PT. JBM Bio Energy as the leading Biomass Fuel-Palm Kernel
Shells exporter from Indonesia to Japan.
· To establish PT. JBM Bio Energy in secondary markets in Europe and Indonesia
· To build a Biomass Facility & Stockyard that shall accommodate to
International Standards from processing, operations and safety.
· To implement cost effective strategies to keep JBE Product Prices Competitive.
· To provide Biomass Fuel—Palm Kernel Shells solutions to the Indonesia
Market Place.
· To provide the European Market Place with Japan Import Quality Biomass
Fuel—Palm Kernel Shells.
· Resorces of PKS is direct contract with more than 40 CPO mills holders.
Environmental Concerns
Coal use in power alone surpassed 10 Gt CO2, mostly in Asia. China, India,
and the United States accounted for 85% of the net increase in emissions.
Emissions declined in Japan for a fifth year, with a decline across all
fossil fuels largely due to both continued improvements in en- ergy efficiency
and the increase in generation from nuclear power stations as reactors
came back online.
JBE Directors historical involvement in the Coal Mining Sector had their
mindset changed and became believ- ers in the Kyoto Protocol thus, the
establishment of JBE with the goal to reduce Carbon Dioxide Emissions by
switching the supply to Coal Fired Power Plants to Biomass Power Plants.
JBE’s core business of Palm Kernel Shells is the solution, as Palm Kernel
Shells is an economically and environmentally sustainable raw material
for renewable energy industry.
Social Concerns
JBE’s Human Resource Strategy is to provide employment opportunities for
middle and lower levels of the organization structure for the residents
of Padang, Indonesia where JBE’s Bi- omass Facility & Stockyard
is based instead of the recruitment of manpower for our facility where
quarterly training activities are conducted to provide additional skills
to JBE’s employees at site.
Business opportunities are provided to other business at site such the
utilization of local workshop and suppliers to support JBE’s business activity
instead of importing from overseas.
Other than JBE’s program in charitable giving and volunteer efforts to
the local community in Padang, all of the above are part of JBE’s Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR).
JBE believes in growing our business with the community.
Corporate Governance
JBE practices transparency, accountability and security in the day to day operations of the business. The goal of this practice is build a foun- dation of professional rela- tionships among stakehold-ers which include board directors, managers, employees, and most importantly, shareholders.
Standard Operating Procedures
JBE’s day to day operations is based on the business’s Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) that provides clear instructions on each procedure for all aspects of the business.
Tax Reporting
JBE has engaged an independent and prudent tax advisor to create a tax plan and training of JBE’s finance team to be re- sponsible in tax planning and reporting.
Employee Compensation
JBE’s employees are fairly paid above the minimum wage re- quirements of the region where on top of their basic salaries, JBE contributes to the health insurance and pension funds plan.